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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Lakers Draft History A Legacy Of Talent And Success

Lakers Draft History: A Legacy of Talent and Success

From Elgin Baylor to Kobe Bryant, the Lakers Have Drafted Some of the NBA's Greatest Players

The Los Angeles Lakers have a rich and storied history in the NBA, and their draft history is a big part of that. The Lakers have drafted some of the greatest players in league history, including Elgin Baylor, Kobe Bryant, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, and Shaquille O'Neal. These players have helped the Lakers win 16 NBA championships, the most of any team in the league.

Elgin Baylor: The First Overall Pick

The Lakers got their first overall draft pick in 1958 when they selected Elgin Baylor out of Seattle University. Baylor was a 6'5" forward who was known for his incredible athleticism and scoring ability. He was a 10-time NBA All-Star and was named the NBA Rookie of the Year in 1959. Baylor played 14 seasons with the Lakers and helped them win the NBA championship in 1972.
